While studies link social media use with increased rates of anxiety and depression, Franca Ma-ih Sulem Yong started the DigCit SDG project to direct young people’s energy to use these tools in a postive way. She is a Commonwealth Innovation Awards 2019 Partnerships category winner.

To counter the trend of online fake news, cyber bullying and the various forms of cyber criminality, she launched the first DigCit SDG awards to unite, celebrate, reward and forge partnerships with leaders of organisations using social media and information technology to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Through the project, media, educational and professional outreach are used to raise awareness on the responsible use of social media and information technology for the SDGs. Organised in partnership with over 20 organisations, the DigCit SDG project has reached more than 1,000,000 people in Cameroon and beyond.